Source code for py21cmsense.observatory

Module providing the definition of an Observatory.

This replaces the original usage of an aipy.AntennaArray with something much more
simple, and suited to the needs of this particular package.

from __future__ import annotations

import attr
import collections
import logging
import numpy as np
import tqdm
from astropy import constants as cnst
from astropy import units as un
from import yaml
from attr import validators as vld
from cached_property import cached_property
from collections import defaultdict
from hickleable import hickleable
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable

from . import _utils as ut
from . import beam, config
from . import units as tp

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DATA = Path(__file__).parent / "data"

[docs] def get_builtin_profiles() -> list[str]: """Print available built-in profiles.""" fls = (DATA / "profiles").glob("*.yaml") return [fl.stem for fl in fls]
[docs] @hickleable(evaluate_cached_properties=True) @attr.s(kw_only=True, order=False) class Observatory: """ A class defining an interferometric Observatory and its properties. Parameters ---------- antpos : array An array with shape (Nants, 3) specifying the positions of the antennas. These should be in the ENU (East-North-Up) frame, relative to a central location given by `latitude`. If not a Quantity, units are assumed to be meters. beam : :class:`~py21cmsense.beam.PrimaryBeam` instance A beam, assumed to be homogeneous across antennas. latitude : float or Quantity, optional Latitude of the array center. If a float, assumed to be in radians. Note that longitude is not required, as we assume an isotropic sky. Trcv Receiver temperature, either a temperature Quantity, or a callable that taakes a single frequency Quantity and returns a temperature Quantity. min_antpos, max_antpos The minimum/maximum radial distance to include antennas (from the origin of the array). Assumed to be in units of meters if no units are supplied. Can be used to limit antennas in arrays like HERA and SKA that have a "core" and "outriggers". The minimum is inclusive, and maximum exclusive. """ _antpos: tp.Length = attr.ib(eq=attr.cmp_using(eq=np.array_equal)) beam: beam.PrimaryBeam = attr.ib(validator=vld.instance_of(beam.PrimaryBeam)) latitude: un.rad = attr.ib( 0 * un.rad, validator=ut.between(-np.pi * un.rad / 2, np.pi * un.rad / 2), ) Trcv: tp.Temperature | Callable = attr.ib(100 * un.K) max_antpos: tp.Length = attr.ib( default=np.inf * un.m, validator=(tp.vld_physical_type("length"), ut.positive) ) min_antpos: tp.Length = attr.ib( default=0.0 * un.m, validator=(tp.vld_physical_type("length"), ut.nonnegative) ) @_antpos.validator def _antpos_validator(self, att, val): tp.vld_physical_type("length")(self, att, val) if val.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("antpos must be a 2D array.") if val.shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError("antpos must have shape (Nants, 3).") if val.shape[0] <= 1: raise ValueError("antpos must have at least two antennas.") @cached_property def antpos(self) -> np.ndarray: """The positions of antennas in the array in units of metres.""" # Mask out some antennas if a max_antpos is set in the YAML _n = len(self._antpos) sq_len = np.sum(np.square(self._antpos), axis=1) antpos = self._antpos[ np.logical_and( sq_len >= self.min_antpos**2, sq_len < self.max_antpos**2, ) ] if self.max_antpos < np.inf or self.min_antpos > 0: f"Removed {_n - len(antpos)} antennas using given " f"max_antpos={self.max_antpos} m and min_antpos={self.min_antpos} m." ) return antpos @Trcv.validator def _trcv_vld(self, att, val): if callable(val): try: y = val(1 * un.MHz) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "Trcv function must take a frequency Quantity and return a temperature Quantity." ) from e if not ( isinstance(y, un.Quantity) and y.unit.physical_type == "temperature" ): raise ValueError("Trcv function must return a temperature Quantity.") else: tp.vld_physical_type("temperature")(self, att, val) @property def frequency(self) -> un.Quantity[un.MHz]: """Central frequency of the observation.""" return"MHz") @cached_property def n_antennas(self) -> int: """Number of antennas in the array.""" return len(self.antpos)
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs) -> Observatory: """Return a clone of this instance, but change kwargs.""" return attr.evolve(self, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_uvdata(cls, uvdata, beam: beam.PrimaryBeam, **kwargs) -> Observatory: """Instantiate an Observatory from a :class:`pyuvdata.UVData` object.""" return cls( antpos=uvdata.antenna_positions, beam=beam, latitude=uvdata.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[0], **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml( cls, yaml_file: str | dict, frequency: tp.Frequency | None = None ) -> Observatory: """Instantiate an Observatory from a compatible YAML config file.""" if isinstance(yaml_file, (str, Path)): with open(yaml_file) as fl: lines = lines = lines.replace("{{ DATA_PATH }}", str(DATA.absolute())) data = yaml.load(lines) elif isinstance(yaml_file, data = yaml_file else: raise ValueError( "yaml_file must be a string filepath or a raw dict from such a file." ) # Mask out some antennas if a max_antpos is set in the YAML max_antpos = data.pop("max_antpos", np.inf * un.m) antpos = data.pop("antpos") _n = len(antpos) antpos = antpos[np.sum(np.square(antpos), axis=1) < max_antpos**2] if max_antpos < np.inf * un.m: f"Removed {_n - len(antpos)} antennas using given max_antpos={max_antpos} m." ) # If we get only East and North coords, add zeros for the UP direction. if antpos.shape[1] == 2: antpos = np.hstack((antpos, np.zeros((len(antpos), 1)))) _beam = data.pop("beam") if frequency is not None: _beam["frequency"] = frequency kind = _beam.pop("class") _beam = getattr(beam, kind)(**_beam) return cls(antpos=antpos, beam=_beam, **data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_profile( cls, profile: str, frequency: tp.Frequency | None = None, **kwargs ): """Instantiate the Observatory from a builtin profile. Parameters ---------- profile A string label identifying the observatory. Available built-in observatories can be obtained with :func:`get_builtin_profiles`. frequency The frequency at which to specify the observatory. Other Parameters ---------------- All other parameters passed will be passed into the initializer for the class, overwriting the profile. """ fl = DATA / "profiles" / f"{profile}.yaml" if not fl.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"profile {profile} not available. Available profiles: {get_builtin_profiles()}" ) obj = cls.from_yaml(fl, frequency=frequency) return obj.clone(**kwargs)
@cached_property def baselines_metres(self) -> tp.Meters: """Raw baseline distances in metres for every pair of antennas. Shape is ``(Nant, Nant, 3)``. """ # this does an "outer" subtraction, leaving the inner 2- or 3- length positions # as atomic quantities. return (self.antpos[np.newaxis, :, :] - self.antpos[:, np.newaxis, :]).to(un.m)
[docs] def projected_baselines( self, baselines: tp.Length | None = None, time_offset: tp.Time = 0 * un.hour ) -> np.ndarray: """The *projected* baseline lengths (in wavelengths). Phased to a point that has rotated off zenith by some time_offset. Parameters ---------- baselines The baseline co-ordinates to project, assumed to be in metres. If not provided, uses all baselines of the observatory. Shape of the array can be (N,N,3) or (N, 3). The co-ordinates are expected to be in ENU. time_offset The amount of time elapsed since the phase center was at zenith. Assumed to be in days unless otherwise defined. May be negative. Returns ------- An array the same shape as :attr:`baselines_metres`, but phased to the new phase centre. """ if baselines is None: baselines = self.baselines_metres orig_shape = baselines.shape bl_wavelengths = baselines.reshape((-1, 3)) * self.metres_to_wavelengths out = ut.phase_past_zenith(time_offset, bl_wavelengths, self.latitude) out = out.reshape(*orig_shape[:-1], np.size(time_offset), orig_shape[-1]) if np.size(time_offset) == 1: out = out.squeeze(-2) return out
@cached_property def metres_to_wavelengths(self) -> un.Quantity[1 / un.m]: """Conversion factor for metres to wavelengths at fiducial frequency.""" return (self.frequency / cnst.c).to("1/m") @cached_property def baseline_lengths(self) -> np.ndarray: """Lengths of baselines in units of wavelengths, shape (Nant, Nant).""" return np.sqrt(np.sum(self.projected_baselines() ** 2, axis=-1)) @cached_property def shortest_baseline(self) -> float: """Shortest baseline in units of wavelengths.""" return np.min(self.baseline_lengths[self.baseline_lengths > 0]) @cached_property def longest_baseline(self) -> float: """Longest baseline in units of wavelengths.""" return np.max(self.baseline_lengths) @cached_property def observation_duration(self) -> un.Quantity[]: """The time it takes for the sky to drift through the FWHM.""" return * self.beam.fwhm / (2 * np.pi * un.rad)
[docs] def get_redundant_baselines( self, baseline_filters: Callable | tuple[Callable] = (), ndecimals: int = 1, ) -> dict[tuple[float, float, float], list[tuple[int, int]]]: """ Determine all baseline groups. Parameters ---------- baseline_filters Callable function (or functions) of a single 3-coordinate baseline vector that returns a bool indicating whether to include the baseline. ndecimals : int, optional The number of decimals to which the UV points must be the same to be considered redundant. Returns ------- dict: a dictionary in which keys are 3-tuples of ``(u,v, |u|)`` co-ordinates and values are lists of 2-tuples, where each 2-tuple consists of the indices of a pair of antennas with those co-ordinates. """ uvbins = defaultdict(list) baseline_filters = tp._tuplify(baseline_filters, 1) def filt(blm): for filt in baseline_filters: if not filt(blm): return False return True # Everything here is in wavelengths uvw = self.projected_baselines()[:, :, :2].value uvw = np.round(uvw, decimals=ndecimals) bl_lens = np.round(self.baseline_lengths.value, decimals=ndecimals) # group redundant baselines for i in tqdm.tqdm( range(self.n_antennas - 1), desc="finding redundancies", unit="ants", disable=not config.PROGRESS, ): for j in range(i + 1, self.n_antennas): blm = self.baselines_metres[i, j] # Check if we want to include this baseline. if not filt(blm): continue bl_len = bl_lens[i, j] # in wavelengths u, v = uvw[i, j] # add the uv point and its inverse to the redundant baseline dict. uvbins[(u, v, bl_len)].append((i, j)) uvbins[(-u, -v, bl_len)].append((j, i)) return uvbins
[docs] def time_offsets_from_obs_int_time( self, integration_time: tp.Time, observation_duration: tp.Time | None = None ): """Compute a list of time offsets within an LST-bin. The LSTs 'within a bin' are added coherently for a given baseline group. Time offsets are with respect to an arbitrary time, and describe the rotation of a hypothetical point through zenith. Parameters ---------- integration_time Time for single snapshot. observation_duration Duration of the LST bin (for single night). Returns ------- array : Time offsets (in julian days). """ if observation_duration is None: observation_duration = self.observation_duration assert integration_time <= observation_duration return ( np.arange("day").value / 2,"day").value / 2,"day").value, ) << )
[docs] def baseline_coords_from_groups(self, baseline_groups) -> un.Quantity[un.m]: """Convert a dictionary of baseline groups to an array of ENU co-ordinates.""" out = np.zeros((len(baseline_groups), 3)) * un.m for i, antpairs in enumerate(baseline_groups.values()): out[i] = self.baselines_metres[antpairs[0][0], antpairs[0][1]] return out
[docs] @staticmethod def baseline_weights_from_groups(baseline_groups) -> np.ndarray: """Get number of baselines in each group. Parameters ---------- baseline_groups A dictionary in the format output by :func:`get_redundant_baselines`. Returns ------- weights An array containing the number of baselines in each group. """ return np.array([len(antpairs) for antpairs in baseline_groups.values()])
[docs] def grid_baselines( self, coherent: bool, baselines: tp.Length | None = None, weights: np.ndarray | None = None, integration_time: tp.Time = 60.0 * un.s, baseline_filters: Callable | tuple[Callable] = (), observation_duration: tp.Time | None = None, ndecimals: int = 1, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Grid baselines onto a pre-determined uvgrid, accounting for earth rotation. Parameters ---------- baselines : array_like, optional The baseline co-ordinates to project, assumed to be in metres. If not provided, calculates effective baselines by finding redundancies on all baselines in the observatory. Shape of the array can be (N,N,3) or (N, 3). The co-ordinates are expected to be in ENU. If `baselines` is provided, `weights` must also be provided. weights: array_like, optional An array of the same length as `baselines`, giving the number of independent baselines at each co-ordinate. If not provided, calculates effective baselines by finding redundancies on all baselines in the observatory. If `baselines` is provided, `weights` must also be provided. integration_time : float or Quantity, optional The amount of time integrated into a snapshot visibility, assumed to be in seconds. baseline_filters A function that takes a single value: a length-3 array of baseline co-ordinates, and returns a bool indicating whether to include the baseline. Built-in filters are provided in the :mod:`~baseline_filters` module. observation_duration : float or Quantity, optional Amount of time in a single (coherent) LST bin, assumed to be in minutes. ndecimals : int, optional Number of decimals to which baselines must match to be considered redundant. Returns ------- array : Shape [n_baseline_groups, Nuv, Nuv]. The coherent sum of baselines within grid cells given by :attr:`ugrid`. One can treat different baseline groups independently, or sum over them. See Also -------- grid_baselines_coherent : Coherent sum over baseline groups of the output of this method. grid_basleine_incoherent : Incoherent sum over baseline groups of the output of this method. """ if baselines is not None: assert un.get_physical_type(baselines) == "length" assert baselines.ndim in (2, 3) assert un.get_physical_type(integration_time) == "time" if observation_duration is not None: assert un.get_physical_type(observation_duration) == "time" if baselines is None: baseline_groups = self.get_redundant_baselines( baseline_filters=baseline_filters, ndecimals=ndecimals ) baselines = self.baseline_coords_from_groups(baseline_groups) weights = self.baseline_weights_from_groups(baseline_groups) bl_max = np.sqrt(np.max(np.sum(baselines**2, axis=1))) if weights is None: raise ValueError( "If baselines are provided, weights must also be provided." ) time_offsets = self.time_offsets_from_obs_int_time( integration_time, observation_duration ) uvws = self.projected_baselines(baselines, time_offsets).reshape( baselines.shape[0], time_offsets.size, 3 ) # grid each baseline type into uv plane dim = len(self.ugrid(bl_max)) edges = self.ugrid_edges(bl_max) uvsum = np.zeros((dim, dim)) for uvw, nbls in tqdm.tqdm( zip(uvws, weights), desc="gridding baselines", unit="baselines", disable=not config.PROGRESS, total=len(weights), ): hist = np.histogram2d(uvw[:, 0], uvw[:, 1], bins=edges)[0] * nbls uvsum += hist if coherent else hist**2 if not coherent: uvsum = np.sqrt(uvsum) return uvsum
[docs] def longest_used_baseline(self, bl_max: tp.Length = np.inf * un.m) -> float: """Determine the maximum baseline length kept in the array, in wavelengths.""" if np.isinf(bl_max): return self.longest_baseline # Note we don't do the conversion in-place! bl_max = bl_max * self.metres_to_wavelengths return np.max(self.baseline_lengths[self.baseline_lengths <= bl_max])
[docs] def ugrid_edges(self, bl_max: tp.Length = np.inf * un.m) -> np.ndarray: """Get a uv grid out to the maximum used baseline smaller than given bl_max. The resulting array represents the *edges* of the grid (so the number of cells is one fewer than this). Parameters ---------- bl_max : float or Quantity Include all baselines smaller than this number. Units of m. Returns ------- array : 1D array of regularly spaced un. """ bl_max = self.longest_used_baseline(bl_max) # We're doing edges of bins here, and the first edge is at uv_res/2 n_positive = int( np.ceil((bl_max - self.beam.uv_resolution / 2) / self.beam.uv_resolution) ) # Grid from uv_res/2 to just past (or equal to) bl_max, in steps of resolution. positive = np.linspace( self.beam.uv_resolution / 2, self.beam.uv_resolution / 2 + n_positive * self.beam.uv_resolution, n_positive + 1, ) return np.concatenate((-positive[::-1], positive))
[docs] def ugrid(self, bl_max: tp.Length = np.inf * un.m) -> np.ndarray: """Centres of the UV grid plane.""" # Shift the edges by half a cell, and omit the last one edges = self.ugrid_edges(bl_max) return (edges[1:] + edges[:-1]) / 2