How do I use my own theoretical model?

The theoretical model is required to compute sample (or cosmic) variance. By default, 21cmSense uses a state-of-the-art model run with 21cmFAST from https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13919. This model provides power spectra at multiple redshifts and wavenumbers, and should be sufficient for most sensitivity calculations.

If you would like to provide your own theoretical model, you should provide your own implementation of the py21cmsense.theory.TheoryModel class. This class has two required definitions: a class variable use_littleh, which determines the units of k that are passed to it, and the method delta_squared. A simple power-law theoretical model may be implemented like this:

from py21cmsense.theory import TheoryModel
from astropy import units as un

class PowerLaw(TheoryModel):
    use_littleh = False

    def delta_squared(self, z: float, k: np.ndarray) -> un.Quantity[un.mK**2]:
        return ((1 + z)**2 * (k / 100.0)**-2) << un.mK**2

Note that the delta_squared method must exactly match this signature, as it is called from within the py21cmsense.sensitivity.PowerSpectrum class. The default py21cmsense.theory.EOS2021 model loads a 2D array of values in redshift and k and interpolates them. You could easily set up something similar to this.

How do I use my custom theory function from the CLI?

If you have defined a custom theory model as in the previous question, you can use it from the command line by adding a couple of lines to your sensitivity YAML configuration. Imagine you wrote a package called my_theory, within which there was a module called module containing the PowerLaw class defined above (in practice, whatever module PowerLaw resides in just has to be importable on the PYTHONPATH of your environment). You would then add the following lines to your sensitivity YAML configuration:



How do I change cosmology?

You can change the cosmology in the Obervation class:

>>> from py21cmsense import Observation
>>> from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9
>>> obs = Observation(cosmo=WMAP9, ...)

In practice, the cosmology makes little difference in the calculcations.

How do I define a new PrimaryBeam?

First, you should consider whether you really need one. 21cmSense only takes into account the frequency, beam width and UV resolution – not the precise shape. The beam width specifies the beam-crossing time, which determines how long one can integrate coherently. The UV resolution is assumed to be a single number, by default based on the inverse of the beam width. Unless these specific quantities are significantly different for your desired beam, there is no benefit to being more precise than this.

If you do want to specify your own beam, you must sub-class from PrimaryBeam, you must define the same methods as defined by the following definition of the GaussianBeam:

class GaussianBeam(PrimaryBeam):
    A simple Gaussian Primary beam.

        The fiducial frequency at which the beam operates, assumed to be in MHz
        unless otherwise defined.
        The size of the (assumed circular) dish, assumed to be in meters unless
        otherwise defined. This generates the beam size.

    dish_size: tp.Length = attr.ib(
        validator=(tp.vld_physical_type("length"), ut.positive)

    def dish_size_in_lambda(self) -> float:
        """The dish size in units of wavelengths."""
        return (self.dish_size / (cnst.c / self.frequency)).to("").value

    def uv_resolution(self) -> un.Quantity[1 / un.radian]:
        """The appropriate resolution of a UV cell given the beam size."""
        return self.dish_size_in_lambda

    def area(self) -> un.Quantity[un.steradian]:
        """The integral of the beam over angle, in sr."""
        return 1.13 * self.fwhm**2

    def width(self) -> un.Quantity[un.radian]:
        """The width of the beam (i.e. sigma), in radians."""
        return un.rad * 0.45 / self.dish_size_in_lambda

    def fwhm(self) -> un.Quantity[un.radians]:
        """The full-width half maximum of the beam."""
        return 2.35 * self.width

    def sq_area(self) -> un.Quantity[un.steradian]:
        """The integral of the squared beam, in sr."""
        return self.area / 2

    def first_null(self) -> un.Quantity[un.radians]:
        """The angle of the first null of the beam."""
        return un.rad * 1.22 / self.dish_size_in_lambda